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Four main points of mineral processing of calcite-fluorite ore

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mineral processing

As an important non-metallic ore resource, fluorite is widely used. With the deepening of development, the development of associated fluorite ore is becoming more and more important. Among them, the physical and chemical properties of several types of minerals of calcite-barite-fluorite type fluorite ore The properties are similar, and the embedded particle size is generally finer.

Four main points of mineral processing of calcite-fluorite ore

It belongs to the fluorite ore that is more difficult to separate, and is usually sorted by flotation. In this article, we will discuss how to select barite-calcite-fluorite-type fluorite from the aspects of process flow, grinding particle size, collectors and inhibitors, and slurry pH value.

Barite-calcite-fluorite type fluorite ore separation process

The ore components of barite-calcite-fluorite type fluorite ore are relatively complex. The current flotation process is mainly two kinds of preferential flotation method and mixed flotation method. The preferential flotation method first inhibits barite and calcite from flotation To choose fluorite, the mixed flotation method is to mix and float barite and fluorite first, and then suppress the barite to float fluorite.

Barite has a large specific gravity, and it is difficult to be activated after being suppressed again. It is more difficult to flotation in the preferential flotation method. Because this type of ore often needs to consider the comprehensive recovery of various minerals, the mixed flotation method is widely used. According to different ore properties, the number of mineral processing can be appropriately increased to improve the grade of fluorite concentrate. In addition, the scavenging stage can be added to Reduce the loss of useful minerals and increase the recovery rate.

mineral processing
mineral processing

Grinding particle size of barite-calcite-fluorite type fluorite ore

The embedded particle size of barite-calcite-fluorite type fluorite ore is generally finer. During the grinding stage, as the particle size content below 0.074mm increases, the recovery rate of fluorite will also increase. If the grinding particle is too fine, the recovery rate will decrease. At this time, the adsorption of the fine-grained minerals is high, which reduces the selectivity of the agent. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the relationship between concentrate grade, recovery rate and grinding cost according to the nature of ore.

  Collector and inhibitor of barite-calcite-fluorite type fluorite ore

In the flotation process of barite-calcite-fluorite type fluorite ore, the more commonly used collectors are oleic acid and oleate, sodium alkyl sulfate, naphthenic acid, oxidized paraffin wax soap and so on.

In the selection of inhibitors, water glass, sodium sulfate, etc. are commonly used. When inhibiting calcite in fluorite-barite-calcite symbiotic ore, it has good performance on fatty acid collectors such as oleic acid. Especially when the content of calcite is high, the flotation separation of fluorite is more difficult. The use of water glass as an inhibitor cannot effectively inhibit its activity, and other inorganic inhibitors should be added or modified water glass should be used.

  pH value of slurry of barite-calcite-fluorite type fluorite ore

The pH value of the slurry plays an important role in the flotation of barite-calcite-fluorite type fluorite ore, and the zero electric points of fluorite, barite and calcite are 6. 2, 3. 2 and 5. 5, respectively. When the pH value is lower than the zero electric point, that is, when the pH value is low, the mineral surface is positively charged and oleic acid anion is adsorbed by electrostatic force. When the pH value is high, oleic acid adsorbs minerals by forming multi-layer calcium oleate, and the accumulation phenomenon of multi-layer calcium oleate and fluorite is more obvious than that with calcite, and mineral particles can be better adsorbed at this time. Agents are more easily recovered by flotation.

Since fluorite and barite have similar buoyancy, their buoyancy range is around the neutral pH value, and this range increases with the increase of the amount of oleic acid, so controlling the pH value of the pulp in each step has a great influence on the flotation effect very important.

In summary

The above are some aspects of flotation of barite-calcite-fluorite type fluorite ore. Here, the editor reminds everyone that in actual production, there are differences between different fluorite ores. It is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the ore itself, and formulate a specific process flow based on the mineral processing test to avoid economic losses and waste of resources.