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R2 titanium reducing ring TC4 titanium alloy forgings

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GR2 Titanium Reducing Ring TC4 Titanium Alloy Forgings
product nameTitanium reducer ring 、 Titanium forgings 、Titanium alloy forgings 、Titanium machined parts
shapeRound, square, special-shaped parts​
MaterialDomestic brands: TA1、TA2、TA3、TA7、TA9、TA10、TC4、TC4ELI、TC6、TC9、TC10、TC11 etc.  American brand number:GR1、GR2、GR3、GR4、GR5、GR7、GR11、GR12、GR23, etc.
Applicable standardsNational standard: GB/T 16598,GB/T 25137??etc.  American standard:ASTM B381,ASTM F67,ASTMF136
SpecificationΦ100*40,Φ98*40,Φ95*45,Φ90*40,Φ85*35,Φ65*40relatively common; 
Production Process​surface
surface:Surface: polished, chamfered Surface quality: clean and smooth surface, no peeling, folding, pores, cracks and other defects.
DetectionDestructive testing: physical performance testing, hardness testing, chemical composition testing. Non-destructive testing: ultrasonic testing, penetrant testing, appearance testing.
delivery statusHot working state (R) Cold working state (Y) Annealing state (M)
GR2 Titanium Reducing Ring TC4 Titanium Alloy Forgings
GR2 Titanium Reducing Ring TC4 Titanium Alloy Forgings
GR2 Titanium Reducing Ring TC4 Titanium Alloy Forgings